Showing: 1 - 10 of 11 Articles

Relax and Destress with the Help of Freeze Dried Treats

In today’s fast-paced world, finding moments of relaxation and stress relief is essential for maintaining our well-being. One surprisingly effective way to unwind and indulge in a guilt-free treat is through the best freeze dried candy in Canada. These innovative snacks not only offer convenience but also pack a nutritional punch, making them an ideal choice for anyone looking to relax and destress without compromising on health.
The Relaxation Benefits of Freeze Dried Treats
One of the primary advantages of freeze dried treats is their convenience. …

Conceptual image showing a serene landscape with vapor clouds illustrating the connection between vaping and mental well-being.

Unpacking the Connection Between Vaping and Mental Well-Being: What Canadians Need to Know

Explore mindfulness techniques to manage stress linked with vaping. Prioritize mental health by seeking counseling or therapy if needed. Connect with supportive communities to share experiences and find solutions. Discover resources on vape flavor options like the best prime flavor while considering balance and moderation.
Understanding Vaping: A Brief Overview
Vaping is a modern method of consuming nicotine or other substances using electronic cigarettes or similar devices. These gadgets work by heating a liquid—often containing nicotine, flavorings, and other chemicals—into a …

Vaping and Mental Health

Intertwined: Smoking, Vaping and Mental Health

Quitting an unhealthy habit like Vaping is easier said than done. Thus, if you have been smoking or vaping for many years now, you may find it extremely challenging to give up any of these vices. But is it impossible? Certainly not.
While the process may be tedious, withdrawing from smoking and vaping will benefit your health in the long run.
Nonetheless, nicotine cessation treatments should be addressed so that they intertwine with other mental health care programs.
Smoking and Vaping Among Individuals with Mental Health Problems
A recent study shows that 25% of adults in…

How to Help People Struggling With Substance Use and Substance Abuse

All substances that alter the mind carry a lot of risks and short-term and long-term harm. Although many people can use alcohol, prescription medication and cannabis in a way that does not cause a lot of harm, they are addictive. The addiction causes people to use it as a cushion, and then they are hooked in an aggressive cycle.
When any substance use begins to isolate an individual, reduce performance at work, destroy relationships, put finances in jeopardy – then the situation has gotten out of hand.
Promoting a Healthy Perspective
When you find out that a person you know is using harmful …

How Parents Can Help Anxious Children and Teenagers

There are three main ways your child or teenager will manifest anxiety. All three may be seen. However, in some instances, only one or two ways may manifest. Here are some symptoms that show your child is experiencing anxiety:

Constant worry
Sudden and frequent panic attacks
Avoiding social situations and excessive shyness
Crying, clinging and throwing tantrums when you separate
Complaints of frequent headaches and stomachaches

Pay attention to your child closely to detect these patterns:
Physical symptoms
Physical symptoms include what is felt …

How to Get Help for Mental Illness

If you are suffering from mental illness, you can get help from:
A Family Doctor
Family doctors can quickly rule out physical causes for the symptoms you are experiencing. They are trained to do counselling, although often, they may refer cases to psychiatrists or psychologists who are more specialized in mental illnesses.
A family doctor can prescribe medications and offer emotional support and guidance in moving forward with the condition.
A Counsellor
Counsellors may be trained clinical counsellors, psychologists or social workers. Although they are not medical …

Alcoholism and Mental Illness

My mother had a family history of mental illness and my brother, Eric, died from mental illness. Half a year after his death, Aunt Nancy died too. She and my brother died the same way: they were both found in a garage after overdosing on alcohol. Although aunty Nancy was a heavy drinker, she was never diagnosed with mental illness.
Aunt Allen committed suicide by driving off a pier at an insane speed. She had suffered through a mental illness. In the 1950s, my aunt Mary was inflicted with maniac depression, which later took her life.
Thirty-two years ago, I began struggling with alcoholism and bipolar disorder. I have been …

How I Transitioned from Cutting to Changing My Campus for Good

I began cutting myself when I was in grade five. I continued to cut myself everyday until I went to college. Many days, I would self-harm several times. I felt ugly and completely worthless.
Too often, I would find myself with a hammer or something sharp to scratch, cut or bash my hands. I refused to stop until I was in intense pain, had blacked out, or there was a lot of bleeding.
I used drugs to numb my crazy thoughts. My thoughts encouraged me to self-harm. I took Ritalin, mushrooms, cocaine, ecstasy, crystal methamphetamine, antidepressants, weed, painkillers- anything I could find.
One day, while I was in grade 12…

Mental Illness: Where Can You Find Help?

When we are physically sick, we wait at most a couple of days before consulting a doctor. Most times, we go to the doctor immediately we are worried that something is seriously wrong. We research the symptoms, tell family and friends, and get it checked out.
However, when most people feel emotionally imbalanced, act differently or have scary thoughts, they do not ask for help. Months later, despite noticing that it is getting worse, they still do not go and seek medical help.
Instead, excuses are made. They think it will disappear by itself, or that it is in their head. Some blame their personality, stress, or their age. Most…

Support Someone

Do you know a person in need of help? A friend, a member of your family, a partner, a colleague or client? It is vital to offer ongoing support to someone going through a mental health illness or substance abuse disorder.
In our Resources page, you will find the resources that you need to broaden your knowledge about the diagnosis and treatments of mental health. These resources will teach you to anticipate problems before they arise, and how to tackle and overcome challenges.  It will help you become an informed and effective advocate and promote healthier relationships between you and the people that need help.
These …